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The greatest STRENGTH is to do what you are MOTIVATED.

Motivated by SELF

There is no single, simple solution to all problems.  We see individuals in a holistic perspective.  From physical, socio-emotional, cognitive, to spiritual domain, every person shows individual strength and weakness in different dimensions which are interconnected.  Interventions are addressing and fulfilling individual needs with detailed multifactorial analysis.



Why is it important?



Intrinsic drivers are considered to be the strongest and most lasting motivators, especially in early childhood.  The combination of intrinsic drivers supported by positive extrinsic feedback is best for building a healthy and balanced motivation system which is key to ensuring positive outcomes later— for school, work, health, and raising the next generation.


Stay Self-Driven!

Patient-directed Approach

Respect individuality, personalized treatment planning​

Social Interaction Proioritization

Encourage expression, broaden communication functions and more!

Stress Reduction Environment

Emotionally stable, self-estim development


Patient-directed in Multisensory Experiences

There are different senses including visual, auditory, tactile, oral, smell, vestibular and proprioceptive senses. 

Everyone selects and processes information uniquely so the outcome.  We let our patients take the lead so we make sure every treatment goal is read-to-go!

我們的感官包括視覺、聽覺、觸覺、口腔感覺、嗅覺、前庭和本體覺。 每個人都以獨特的方式選擇和處理信息。


Sensory Awareness

Ability to sense is the first and foremost step to allow us observe, experience, react and understand this world.  By coordinating sensation, we learn to create new schemas through intentionally repeating some movements.  Repeated stimulation in oral sensory and relations to sound production are prerequisites for speech production.


Social Mindfulness
Social Interaction Prioritization
​社交優先 靜觀互動

Social interaction activates the brain region responsible for motivation.  Social acceptance and exclusion, plays a key role in reward-based decision-making and learning.  With mindfulness in social interaction, we learn to consider both self and others' perspectives.



Involving Facial Expression

Facial expressions is one of the important visual elements when we read the mental and emotional states of the others.  We would smile when happy memories are reminded.  We would be wide-eyed when you are surprised.  We would have frown eyebrows when you feel annoyed.  Both producing and perceiving facial expressions are crucial in social interaction.



Encourage Social Imitation

Imitative behaviors can always be found in our social life.  When your friend tastes and recommends a new food, you would have a higher tendency to give it a try.  We human imitate others to show a sense of belonging and closeness.  Promoting social imitation will eventually lead to stronger cohesion.  



Broaden Communciation Functions

We use gestures, eye gaze and verbal expressions to achieve different communication purposes which are generally categorized into regulatory functions and social functions.  Regulatory functions simply include to get or avoid something, for example, requesting to get juices and refusing to eat vegetables.  Social functions include purposes mainly for social interactions, like sharing the joy after a big feast and asking questions.


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