Ms. LAM Ming Wai
Speech Therapist
To me, growing is stretching ourselves to find our strength, embracing challenges and enjoying the process.
Let's discover our fullest potential together!
Oral Motor Treatment, Speech Sound Disorder
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Master of Speech Therapy 香港理工大學言語治療碩士
Registered in Department of Health - Register No. 註冊言語治療師編號: ST00502
Professional Development
MNRI® Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration 神經反射統合治療 - MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration - MNRI® NeuroTactile Integration
Treatment for Motor Speech Disorder 運動性言語障礙治療 - Introduction to PROMPT Technique
Treatment for Oral Motor Muscles 口部肌肉治療 - Sara-Rosenfeld Johnson's Oral Placement Therapy level 1 - Beckman Oral Motor Examination & Intervention - Beckman Orofacial Deep Tissue Release
Swallowing Rehabilitation Treatment 吞嚥復康治療 - Biber Protocol: NMES
Working Experience
Onsite Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) 到校學前康復服務
Special Schools 特殊學校
Mainstream Secondary Schools 主流中學
Elderly Daycare Centers 長者日間護理中心
Private Elderly Homes 護理安老院