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Our Professional Development

In order to promote the use of updated evidence-based practice in HKOMR, we highly encourage our speech therapists to have continued development in different scopes not limited to only speech therapy but also other therapies.





In 2020, PROMPT intervention has been scientifically proven to be effective in helping children with speech sound disorders based on a Randomized Controlled Trial. In order to promote the use of PROMPT technique in Hong Kong, HKOMR has organised a workshop called “Introduction to PROMPT technique” for our HKOMR and local speech therapists with the PROMPT Institute in the US in October 2021.

​在2020年,科研實證「美國口腔模造技巧」能有效地幫助被診斷為有構音障礙的幼童提升語音清晰度。為了讓中心及香港的言語治療師能更廣泛地應用此技巧,我們在2021年10月聯同美國的PROMPT Instisute在港舉辦了為期3天的工作坊,共有30位言語治療師參與。

Sensory Integration

Problems in sensory integration (SI) are very common in children with developmental delay, especially in ASD.

In order to provide a holistic treatment to our clients,

our senior speech therapists have received certificates in Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI) and are one of the very few certified SI speech therapists in Hong Kong.



Music Therapy

Music therapy is an evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized treatment goals, including communication and emotions. In order to understand more about music therapy, board-certified music therapist, Ms. Angel Leung, has been invited to provide an introduction to HKOMR’s staff so that music elements can be incorporated in our therapy to maximize the treatment effects.

音樂治療是一種具科研實證的治療手法,並能用於治療不同範疇,當中包括溝通及情緒。為了讓中心的言語治療師能對音樂治療有更深的認識,我們特意邀請了註冊音樂治療師Ms. Angel Leung講解如何透過音樂元素促進言語發展及情緒調控。

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